3D Optical Illusions by Justen Ladda (12 Pictures)


Herrliche Serie von optischen Illusionen von dem aus New York kommenden Künstler Justen Ladda, der seine erste Ausstellung bereits im Jahre 1980 hatte. Ladda kombiniert Malerei und Installation zu dreidimensionalen Artworks. Er erschafft anhand sorgfältig angeordneter Proportionen Objekte, die im Raum zu schweben scheinen, die nur aus einem bestimmten Winkel betrachtet einen Sinn ergeben:

„Artist Justen Ladda has been living and working in New York City since 1978. His first solo exhibit listed on his resume was in 1980 at the legendary ABC No Rio. His perspective warping style looks surprisingly fresh considering much of it was created throughout the 1980?s. Ladda combines painting with installation to create two-dimensional images that appear to float in space are slip into three dimensions.“






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