Cassette Tape Spine Art by Steve Vistaunet (4 Pictures)
Vielleicht erinnert ihr euch noch an die gute, alte Kassette und insbesondere deren Hüllen. Während heutzutage tausende MP3s anonym auf einer Festplatte rumfliegen oder CDs in einer Spindel zerkratzen, hatte die Kassettenhülle immer ihren eigenen Charme. Und genau deswegen sammelt Steve Vistaunet auf Pinterest Bilder von gestapelten Kassetten. Oldschool feeling galore.
„Before the rise of the CD and the dawn of mp3s, cassettes was where it was at, and blank tapes were the ’80s analogue version of P2P, as people who were too cheap to buy albums used blank tapes to copy from friends. But another zeitgeist was the invention of the homemade mixtape, a combination of singles, half albums, and excerpts from radio shows. In order to make it quick and easy to distinguish mixtapes from each other, people often created colourful spines on their blank tapes, and Pinterest user, Steve Vistaunet collected a few of his own favourites to either bring back memories for those who lived through the era, or to show you younger folk how obscure the ’80s were.“
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