EuroLapse Timelapse by David Smith (Clip)

David Smith hat im vergangenen Jahr geimeinsam mit seiner Frau drei Monate in Europa verbracht. Die Impressionen aus Städen wie Vilnius, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm,, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Riga, Heraklion (Crete), Fira (Santorini), Milan und Cinque Terre hat er in diesem wundervollen Timelapse-Clip konserviert. Fehlt eigentlich nur Paderborn:

Being that I haven’t been to Europe my entire life, I always enjoy time-lapse videos that were shot in the continent. Like this one video below called “EuroLapse” by David Smith. The images used in this time-lapse were taken in 2011 over the course of three summer months in Europe. His wife’s mother lives in Lithuania, just outside of the capital city Vilnius, so they decided to make it their homebase from the end of May through August while we traveled to various countries. They split their summer up into four trips; between each of these trips, they’d fly back to Vilnius and relax for a week or so before packing up and heading off again. Smart move!

[via tamb]


3 Antworten zu “EuroLapse Timelapse by David Smith (Clip)”

  1. Kroko sagt:

    Wunderschöne Aufnahmen, zumal es ja auch HD ist. Ruckelt auf meinem alten Laptop leider ein bisschen :D

  2. […] [MC Winkel] Tagged Abenteuer, Amerika, Europa, Time Lapse, USA, Vimeo. Bookmark the permalink. « […]

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