Los Angels-based Artist Van Styles Explains His Art Of Model Photography (Clip)


Die uberdopen Aufnahmen des in Los Angeles/Kalifornien lebenden Fotografen Van Styles haben wir Euch bereits mehrfach hier auf WHUDAT präsentiert. Gerade erst in der letzten Woche haben wir beispielsweise die grandiose „Rotor Effects„-Serie des gebürtigen New Yorkers und Visual Apparel-Owners gefeatured. Kürzlich ließ sich Van Styles von Skillshare bei der Arbeit über die Schulter schauen und spricht über seine Herangehensweise an Shootings, sein Equipment, Location-Auswahl, Nachbearbeitung und einiges mehr. Den inspirierenden Clip, der auf diesem Wege entstand, gibt es hier unten:

Renowned fashion photographer and owner of Visual Apparel, Van Styles, offers an educational insight into his working methodology and the considered system which have served so well to establish him — from the location and model used to how aspects of texture, natural light and spontaneity are most effective. To begin, Van walks us through his ‚go to‘ photography kit, including 24, 35 and 50 mm lenses as well as the use of Adobe programs such as Bridge and Photoshop, where he will select, post-edit and finalize all photographs from the day’s shoot. Through a combination of ”learning by doing,” and a love for what he does, Van retains that very special excitement of not knowing, allowing for ultimate expression and freedom when it comes down to producing the final product.






[via hypebeast]


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