Illusion by Barbara Scerbo (11 Pictures)
Die italienische Fotografin Barbara Scerbo schafft es mit ihrer Serie „Illusion“ Bilder zu erschaffen, die gleichzeitig wunderschön, aber auch total verwirrend sind. In jeder Szene portraitiert Scerbo mithilfe von Spiegeln fragmentierte Portraits, welche sich in der umliegenden Landschaft wiederspiegeln. So entsteht der Eindruck, als ob man direkt durch die Models hindurchschaut.
„Italian photographer Barbara Scerbo has an incredibly expressive imagination. In her series, entitled Illusion, the artist composes visually intriguing images that are beautiful and, at the same time, completely baffling. In each scene, Scerbo creates fragmented portraits using mirrored reflections of the surrounding landscape. It’s difficult to tell exactly what’s happening, but, immediately, viewers are greeted with a visually challenging arrangement where long legs and female bodies appear distorted and it seems that we are looking directly through each subject.“
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