New Wire Sculptures that Look Like Scribbled Pencil Drawings by David Oliveira
Die extrem imposanten Artworks des aus Lissabon stammenden Künstlers David Oliveira, haben wir hier auf WHUDAT bereits 2012 erstmals gefeatured. Nach wie vor fertigt der talentierte Portugiese beeindruckende Drahtskulpturen, welche aus dem richtigen Blickwinkel betrachtet, wie Scribbles (= „Kritzeleien“) inmitten von Räumen erscheinen. Einige aktuelle Wire Sculptures von David Oliveira lassen sich direkt hier unten bestaunen. Just have a look:
Lisbon-based artist Artist David Oliveira works with wire in an unconventional way by cutting and twisting the material into sculptures that could be mistaken for 2D sketches. Despite the apparent difficulty of shaping wire into a recognizable form, Oliveira manages to achieve uncanny proportions of his animal subjects in this series of sculptures from 2014. Viewed from one angle the pieces could be mistaken for a chaotic jumble, but a shift in perspective reveals the squinting eyes of lions, or the spread wings of a pelican.
[via colossal]
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