„Taxidermy Upholstery“ – Artist Kelly Jelinek Creates Colorful and Unusual Animal Sculptures
Die amerikanische Künstlerin Kelly Rene Jelinek aus dem ländlichen Wisconsin, kam bereits früh mit zahlreichen Tierpräparationen in Kontakt. In den Behausungen von vielen Familienmitgliedern, Freunden und Bekannten ließen sich Wildtier-Trophäen, bevorzugt von Hirschen, an den Wohnzimmerwänden finden. Inspiriert davon fertigt die junge Künstlerin heute selbst ganz ähnliche Tier-Skulpturen von unter anderem Nashörnern, Löwen, Hunden oder Katzen. Allerdings komplett ohne dafür auch nur einem einzigen, lebendigen Lebewesen zu Leibe zu rücken. Ihre imposanten Nachbildungen fertigt Jelinek nämlich ausschließlich aus alten Sofas, Teppichen, Schaumstoff, Garn, Harz, Glas, Marmor uns sonstigen Stoffresten. Wie beeindruckend diese Skulpturen von Kelly Rene Jelinek tatsächlich daherkommen, lässt sich direkt hier unten prüfen. Just have a look:
Wisconsin based artist Kelly Jelinek combines the art form of taxidermy with upholstery to create her colorful and unusual animal sculptures. The name of her art studio is derived from the artist’s last name, Jelinek, which means “little deer” or “little stag” in Czech, so it might seem no coincidence that she feels a strong connection to nature. But even more importantly, her work is faux and kill-free, and as a lifelong animal lover, she remains committed to making art that preserves the fantasy of animals while they were still alive. To create her characters, she uses the same materials that a taxidermist would use, first beginning with foam-cast forms ordered from a taxidermy supply company, along with other taxidermy parts such as the glass eyes, resin teeth, or rubber tongues.
“I find that I am constantly trying to make “real life” more magical and extraordinary through the artwork that I create. The faux taxidermy art that I create is a great example of this: something traditional and commonplace is transformed into something new and exciting. I find that this quote from Edgar Allen Poe pretty much sums up everything that I am about: “There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion.” Kelly Rene Jelinek
[via hifructose]
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