“Dørene Lukkes” – Street Artists Telmo Miel Painted an Entire Subway Station in Oslo // Norway


Das niederländische Streetart-Duo TelmoMiel aus Rotterdam, bestehend aus den Künstlern Telmo Pieper und Miel Krutzmann, haben wir im Sommer des letzten Jahres erstmals mit ihrem grandiosen „A Crazy Little Thing Called Globe„-Mural hier auf WHUDAT gefeatured. Zuletzt waren die beiden kreativen Holländer im norwegischen Oslo unterwegs und haben die dortige Subway Station „Ulsrud“ mit diversen Murals in ihrem bekannten Signature-Stil gepimpt. Die dopen Artworks der Jungs, welche unter dem Titel “Dørene Lukkes” (z.dt: Vorsicht, Türen schließen) laufen, lassen sich direkt hier unten in Augenschein nehmen. Enjoy:

„For two weeks we have been painting the entire Subway station ‘Ulsrud’ in Oslo. Going to work every day we took a bus to Tøyen, got into the subway train and stepped onto the platform that was our spot to paint. Kind of a surreal feeling, like an elevator that opens in your own apartment. Every day the subway surround sound lady warned people for the doors that were about to close.. ‘Dørene Lukkes’ she said. A phrase that got stuck in our heads. The piece we made tells a story about the difference in adult and child perspective. The adult uses transportation as a means to get to a certain goal, a kid looks at a subway train like a toy and has a next thing to be excited about. By trying to portray that kind of excitement into color and form, we hope to bring a little extra brightness to people passing through Ulsrud.“ – Telmo Miel








[via Telmo Miel @fb]


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