„Fractal“ – Awesome Supercell Thunderstorm Timelapse Captured by Chad Cowan

Der aus Kansas stammende Fotograf Chad Cowan hat sein Herz ganz offensichtlich an Supercell-Thunderstorms verloren. Über 150.000 km legte der gute Mann bereits beim Aufspüren der atemberaubenden Naturschauspiele in den letzen Jahren zurück. Hunderte epochale Gewitter und Stürme wurden bereits von dem guten Mann mit der Kamera einfangen. Er selbst sagt zu seiner Passion das Folgende: „The ingredient based explanation for supercell thunderstorms cites moisture, wind shear, instability and lift as the reasons for their formation. I prefer to focus on the big picture. Supercell thunderstorms are a manifestation of nature’s attempt to correct an extreme imbalance. The ever ongoing effort to reach equilibrium, or viscosity, is what drives all of our weather, and the force with which the atmosphere tries to correct this imbalance is proportional to the gradient. In other words, the more extreme the imbalance, the more extreme the storm“. Die Highlights seiner Trips bekommen wir nun in Form des wahnsinnig beeindruckenden Clips „Fractal“ präsentiert:

For the last decade, Kansas-based photographer Chad Cowan has driven almost 100,000 miles across the United States chasing powerful supercell thunderstorms and recording them in high definition. The endeavor began as a personal project to capture a few storms as they developed but quickly grew into a full-blown obsession. Cowan has recorded hundreds of storms and condensed the highlights into this short film titled Fractal with editing help from Kevin X Bar

[via Colossal]


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