„Futurism“ – Cartoons aus der Zukunft über den Alltag von morgen

Unser Instagram-Account des Tages widmet sich in herrlichen Cartoons unserem potenziellen Alltag von morgen – die Rede ist von: @futurismcartoons „Science and technology are transforming our society and fundamentally reshaping what it means to be human. From bipedal robots to quantum physics, from gene editing to flying cars, Futurism tracks the breakthroughs that are reshaping our future and leading us into a brave new world“ so die Betreiber zu ihrem extrem gelungenen Projekt. Direkt hier unten lassen sich einige Highlights besagter Szenarien aus der Zukunft in Augenschein nehmen. Happy Friday:

Since I’ve watched the Back To The Future movies, I have been hoping time travel would appear in my life in one way or another. It finally did. Futurism, an online magazine, produces weekly cartoon sketches that imagine the everyday life of tomorrow, and it’s as close to an 88mph DeLorean ride as anything can be.

[via BP]


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