Mick Boogie & HYPETRAK „Represent The Stripes“ (Free Mixtape w/ Action Bronson, Slum Village, Chip Tha Ripper + more)

Ganz klar Mixtape des Tages: NEW MICK BOOGIE! Pünktlich zum Start der sterbenslangweiligen Olympischen Sommerspiele (Banksy war hier und hier auch wieder aktiv! Follow my tumblr, btw!) in London haut Mick Boogie zusammen mit Hypetrak dieses Mixtape namens „Represent The Stripes“ raus, auf welchem es brandneues Material von Action Bronson, Slum Village, Chip Tha Ripper, Vince Staples, Michael Uzowuru uvm. zu hören gibt – Soundcloud inkl. Tracklist und DL-Link nach dem Jump:

„What do YOU represent? Mick Boogie was so impressed with the upcoming adidas #represent campaign that he decided to make a mixtape paying homage to it: „Represent The Stripes.“ And he brought along his good friends at HYPETRAK to make it even better! The project ties in the ideals of the adidas campaign with the patriotism of the Olympics going on next month… hence the double entendre of „Represent The Stripes.“ More of an exclusive, awesome compilation than a mixtape, this project features a who’s who of dope new rappers and some legends as well! Check it out NOW exclusively at HYPETRAK.“

[soundcloud url=“http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/2267143″ width=“100%“ height=“200″ iframe=“true“ /]

Download-Mirror: Mick Boogie – Represent The Stripes


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