AFPs „Best of the World in Photos 2012“ (12 Pictures)
[This photo provided by NASA shows space shuttle Enterprise, mounted atop a NASA 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA), flying near the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum on April 27, 2012, in New York.]
Ein weiteres, ereignisreiches Jahr geht zu Ende und wie immer, kurz vor Zapfenstreich, hat die die älteste internationale Nachrichtenagentur Agence France Presse (AFP, weltweit die Drittgrößte, neben der Hauptzentrale in Paris noch Büros und Mitarbeiter in 150 Ländern) die ihrer Meinung nach aufregendsten Bilder, die in 2012 um die Welt gingen, nominiert. Mit dabei ist das Bild der Enterprise über dem „Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum New York“ aus dem April, ein Bild vom holländischen (genauer: Dordrecht) Hochwasser aus dem Januar oder ein Bild der zugefrorenen Autos aus Lake Geneva/Versoix von der stürmischsten Nacht des Jahres aus dem Februar. Was die jeweiligen Bilder so besonders macht, ist die entsprechenden Geschichte dahinter, Ihr wisst ja, Bild > 1.000 Worte und so – guckt mal:
„As 2012 comes to a close, we reflect on this amazing year that has had its fair share of triumphs and hardships. At the forefront of many of the most memorable moments, both in the victorious and devastating sense, there have been photojournalists capturing images that would travel all around the world. Their dedication to their craft has produced some remarkable images over the year, many of which are included in global press agency Agence France Presse’s 2012 Best of the World in Photos list.“
[New taxi cabs in a flooded car park in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy made landfall in October.]
[Tibetan exile Jamphel Yeshi, 27, runs as he is engulfed in flames after he set himself on fire during a protest against an upcoming visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao in New Delhi on March 26, 2012.]
[A Dutch local resident, standing in his house, looks to high waters level through his window, in Dordrecht on January 5, 2012.]
[Motorists cross a damaged road destroyed at the height of the powerful earthquake in Guihulngan town, Negros Oriental province, central Philippines on February 9, 2012.]
[Palestinian men gather around a crater caused by an Israeli air strike on the al-Dallu family’s home in Gaza City on November 18, 2012.]
More pictures on page 2 – click below!
amazing pictures.
[…] is a compilation of the Agence France Presse (AFP) most enduring images of 2012:Watch the whole gallery and get some more info here. You got to check these too!Loading… var addedComment = function(response) { […]