„Animal Doodles“ – Rohan Sharad Dahotre Dresses Animals With Tribal Doodles

Diverse internationale Künstler haben uns in der Vergangenheit bereits mit immenser Kreativität in Form von Doodles und Illustrationen begeistern können. Auch Ilias Walchshofer aka Dr Propolus aus Berlin konnte uns im letzten Jahr mit seinen Artworks begeistern, in welchen er leichtbekleideten Models aus diversen Fashion-Fotografien, etwas mehr Textil auf die Haut pinselte. Der Illustrator und Designer Rohan Sharad Dahotre aus Pune im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra, wandelt auf ganz ähnlichen Pfaden. Allerdings bekommen hier Wildtiere wie Bären oder Nashörner etwas Bekleidung im Tribal-Stil verpasst. „The idea was to experiment with doodles of tribal patterns on photographs of animals in the wild. I have always found inspiration in tribal art and off late, in african patterns and designs specifically. My first doodle experiment was a rhino for which I got a very good response on my social feeds and so I decided to make a series out of the experiment“ so Rohan Sharad Dahotre. Einige Highlights aus seiner „Animal Doodles“-Reihe gibt’s direkt hier unten:

Indian designer and illustrator rohan sharad dahotre finds creative motivation in animals and nature, resulting in projects that give new attires to the creatures by doodling over their silhouette. ‘Animal Doodles’ is a series of pictures found on google that the designer has intervened with his illustrations, drawing his imagination into them. the project celebrates animals and birds in all their glory by bringing out the beauty of their characteristics, behaviors, colors and textures with black and white line sketches. Through the patterns and textures found in nature, sharad dahotre enhances the animals with tribal designs.









[via designboom]


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