‚Apparition of The Past‘ – Grandioses Mural von Street Artist Li-Hill in NYC

Unser Mural des Tages zum Start in eine neue Arbeitswoche kommt vom kanadischen Street Artist Li-Hill. Der gute Mann hat seine Zelt bereits vor geraumer Zeit in New York City aufgeschlagen und fertigte dort auch sein neustes Piece in der Lower East Side. ‚Apparition of The Past‘ so der Titel des wirklich sehenswerten Stücks Wallart dieses Künstlers, der sich mit Vorliebe in Murals, Malerei, Stencils und Skulpturen ausdrückt. Zu seinem aktuellen Werk ließ Li-Hill (hier bei Instagram) verlauten: „Based on concepts of a post apocalyptic future, one where ecosystems have collapsed, this images speaks of an unwritten story, a metaphor for the perils of our time and that which is yet to come. A human future wearing a filtration mask drudges through a harsh environment. Holding a talisman or totem of a bear skull, he knows not what it is he carries but knows it holds the power of the past. A time of potential and plenty. An apparition appears, one that only we can see but he feels in presence. We know what it is, he knows what will be.“ – Just have a look + Happy Monday:

Li-Hill is a Canadian visual artist currently based out of Brooklyn, who employs painting, illustration, stenciling, and sculptural elements within his works. With a background in graffiti and mural painting and a degree in Fine Arts, his works range from smaller multiples to enormous murals that explore industrialization, scientific breakthrough, man versus nature and information saturation. He incorporates found objects and unconventional materials to structure complex multi-layered pieces that are as aesthetic as they are thought provoking. Li-Hill possesses a BFA from OCAD and has travelled and shown in countries such as Australia, Thailand, Myanmar, Mexico and China. He has had works shown in such national institutions as the National Gallery of Victoria, The Art Gallery of Ontario and the Portsmouth Museum of Art in New Hampshire.


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