Awesome Cryptic Storytelling Animal Paintings by Josie Morway
Die in Boston/Massachusetts ansässige Künstlerin Josie Morway beeindruckt mit extrem imposant daherkommenden Animal-Portraits. In ihren beeindruckenden Öl-Gemälden, versteht es die kreative Dame absolut perfekt, ihren Background in Grafikdesign und Illustration mit ihrer großen Leidenschaft für’s Storytelling zu verbinden. Sie selbst sagt über ihre Arbeit Folgendes: „I draw inspiration from the bits of word and phrase that bombard us daily in the form of faded ad murals, snippets of overheard conversation, the near-illegible promises of old signage. Stories defined as much by the info they lack as by what they present. Using animals as the main characters in my narratives, I’m able to explore gestures, postures and expressions that are both familiar, universal and still sometimes as ambiguous as those partial verbal messages. For the last year or so I have been working steadily on a project I’ve titled ‘Untame vs. The Domesticati’: a series of paintings that examine the themes of domestication and wildness through symbols relevant to both wildlife and human society.“ Einige Beispiele aus den Schaffen von Miss Morway lassen such direkt hier unten bestaunen. Kuckt doch mal:
Josie Morway is an artist living and working in Boston, Massachusetts. For her enchanting oil paintings Josie combines her background in graphic design and illustration with her passion for telling stories.
[via bleaq]
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