Big K.R.I.T. & Band zu Gast bei NPRs Tiny Desk Concerts
Seit 2010 ist der Mississippi-Spitter Big K.R.I.T. (feat) nun schon im Game und gerade erst im letzten Jahr hat er sein bisher bestes Album „4Eva Is A Mighty Long Time“ veröffentlicht. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis auch er endlich von NPR zum Tiny Desk Concert eingeladen wird – und hier ist er! Zusammen mit seiner Band (Burniss Travis II am Bass, Justin Tyson hinter den Drums und Bryan-Michael Cox an den Keys) bringt er ein kleines Medley seiner Tracks „Mixed Messages“, „Keep The Devil Off“ und „Bury Me In Gold“. Soulfood, y’allz!
Grandmothers never truly die. Especially not when they bear as much influence on your life as Big K.R.I.T.’s grandmother has on his. The Mississippi spitter has kept her spirit alive through his music since his breakout mixtape, K.R.I.T. Wuz Here, which he released in 2010, the same year she died. (…) Halfway through his three-song set at NPR Music headquarters, K.R.I.T. stops to pull out an old-school tape recorder — the same one his grandmother would use to record him singing and reciting poetry as a child. „I have to feel like my grandmother was my first mix engineer,“ he says before pressing play to reveal him and his brother as kids singing a duet of R&B crooner Donell Jones‘ 1999 slow burner, „Where I Wanna Be.“
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