Carrtoons, Kaelin Ellis, Kiefer and The Kount are playing live for Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Wo habt Ihr heute bessere Musik von jemandem vorgestellt bekommen, müsst ihr euch wirklich mal fragen?! Checkt die Beatmaker Supergroup bestehend aus Carrtoons (am Bass), Kaelin Ellis (Drums), Kiefer (Piano, Keyboards) und The Kount (percussion), die hier live für NPRs Tiny Desk Concert Reihe (alle features) drei wunderschöne Tunes performen, nämlich „All Things Considered (Remix)“, „Morning Edition (Remix)“ und „Weekend Edition (Remix)“. Ich hoffe, ihr fühlt das.

„Over the past year and some change, beatmakers Carrtoons, Kaelin Ellis, Kiefer, and The Kount took to social media individually and often collaboratively to cook up productions, often resulting in viral moments and never-seen-before glimpses into their creative process. As we continue to celebrate 50 years of NPR, Tiny Desk was determined to take part. To honor the iconic themes from our news programs, we asked these four producers to come up with their own spin on the All Things Considered theme (written by Don Voegeli) the Morning Edition theme and the theme for Weekend Edition (both written by B.J. Leiderman).“

Carrtoons, Kaelin Ellis, Kiefer and The Kount // Tiny Desk (Home) Concert:


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