Celebrities as Real People (10 Pictures)
Danny Evans hat mit seiner „Planet Hiltron“ Fotoserie diverse US-Stars auf 08/15 Niveau gebracht. Der New Yorker hat vor niemandem Halt gemacht und so sieht es aus, wenn Kanye, Pitt, Jolie, Madonna (war wohl am wenigsten Aufwand), Nicole Kidman, etc. ohne Hollywoodfacade aufkreuzen:
New York-based pop artist Danny Evans has put together this hilarious photo series, Planet Hiltron, depicting what the Hollywood elite would look like if they were everyday normal folk. The celebrity make-under series, which is taking the internet by storm, shows you the super famous without the best make-up artists and stylists that money can buy. Danny tells the DailyMail “My intention wasn’t necessarily to age them, but to strip them of their ‘Hollywood’ facade. That has more or less been my general goal with this series all along.”
[via enpundit]
[…] whUdat / via Planet […]