Christian Coigny – Photography [8 Bilder]

Großartige Bilder vom aus Lausanne stammenden Fotografen Christian Coigny. Dass John Malkovich hier oben heute bereits das zweite Mal zu sehen ist, ist tätsächlich nur ein Zufall.

Vitra entrusted him with the “Personalities” campaign consisting of photographing 130 personalities on seats designed by Charles Eames, Citterio, Jasper Morrison, Frank Gehry. Parallel to his commissioned work, continually prompted by his passion for photography in its purest form, Christian Coigny takes photos for himself, in all possible areas, mainly in black and white.



2 Antworten zu “Christian Coigny – Photography [8 Bilder]”

  1. Donna sagt:

    tolle Fotos! I <3

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