Circle of Abstract Ritual: 300.000 Photos of Wildfires, Painted Houses, and Riots (Stop Motion Timelapse Video)


Perfektes Stop Motion Timelapse Video von Jeff Frost, welches aus 300.000 einzelnen Bildern von Krawallen, Großflächenbränden und Gemälden in verlassenen Gebäuden zusammengfestellt wurde, die der Künstler in einem Zeitraum von 2 Jahren aufgenommen hat. Das Eindrucksvollste an diesem Projekt ist wohl aber, dass hier keinerlei digitale Effekte verwendet wurden, es wurde wirklich alles mittels Optical Illusion Paintings angefertigt. Ein unfassbar Zeit- und Arbeitsintensives Werk, welches übrigens vor einem Jahr durch Kickstarter finanziert wurde:

This film took 300,000 photos, riots, wildfires, paintings in abandoned houses, two years and zero graphics to make. It changed my entire life. Circle of Abstract Ritual began as an exploration of the idea that creation and destruction might be the same thing. The destruction end of that thought began in earnest when riots broke out in my neighborhood in Anaheim, California, 2012. I immediately climbed onto my landlord’s roof without asking and began recording the unfolding events. The news agencies I contacted had no idea what to do with time lapse footage of riots, which was okay with me because I had been thinking about recontextualizing news as art for some time. After that I got the bug. I chased down wildfires, walked down storm drains on the L.A. River and found abandoned houses where I could set up elaborate optical illusion paintings. The illusion part of the paintings are not an end in themselves in my work. They’re an intimation of things we can’t physically detect; a way to get an ever so slight edge on the unknowable.








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