Classic Heartbreak Songs Recreated as Stephen King-style Book Covers
Einige sehenswerte Arbeiten des brasilianischen Künstlers Butcher Billy haben wir in den letzten Jahren bereits an dieser Stelle präsentiert. Unter Umständen erinnert Ihr Euch noch an seine American Psycho Inspired Artworks oder an die Reihe „Dead Rockers, Modern Times„. Zuletzt konnte uns der gute Mann aus Curitiba mit seiner dopen „Bukowski: The Pop Art Series“ begeistern, welche bekannte Zitate des legendären Schriftstellers Charles Bukowski im Pop Art-Gewand präsentierte. Heute gibt’s ein kleines Update aus der kreative Küche des Butcher Billy. „Stephen King’s Stranger Love Songs“ so der Titel seiner aktuellen Artworks. Bekannte Love Songs bekommen hier neues Leben als Buchcover des wohl populärsten Horror-Schriftstellers unserer Zeit eingehaucht:
Artist Butcher Billy is known for his clever mashups of music and comics. This time, he’s used the titles of classic heartbreak songs as inspiration for Stephen King-style book covers. I’ll bet Man Eater is terrifying.
Stephen King is one of the most influential authors of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy. His dark and twisted imagination has been crucial in shaping the contemporary pop culture since the late 70’s – when his novels were first discovered by filmmakers like Stanley Kubrick and Brian De Palma – until more recently with modern TV series like Stranger Things paying homage to his brilliant influence and monumental contribution to pop culture.
This series imagines an alternate universe in which some of the most hopeless, desperate and tragic heartbreak songs of the 70’s and 80’s were actually novels written by Stephen King. The concept is to look at the dark side of love through the lenses of pop culture, bringing twisted aspects of his classic stories to play with the original meanings of the songs – that can be completely subverted or strangely emphasized, while paying tribute to the vintage design of the original book covers.
[via nerdapproved]
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