Clothes Carved Out of Marble by Alex Seton (14 Pictures)
Was Ihr auf diesen Bildern hier seht, sind keine einfachen Hoodies, Zipper, Trainingsanzüge oder T-Shirts, es handelt sich um Stein. Es ist Carrara Marmor, um genau zu sein. Der aus Sydney kommende Bildhauer Alex Seton hat diese Klamotten wortwörtlich in Stein gemeißelt, ganz unten gibt es dazu noch einen Youtube-Clip:
„Alex Seton is a Sydney-based artist born in 1977. Seton graduated from the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales in 1998 and has exhibited his artwork nationally and internationally since. Seton is best known for his realistic sculptures carved from marble. In the selection below, we explore Seton’s recreations of everyday clothing like hooded sweatshirts and t-shirts.“
More pictures on page 2 – click below!
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