Da-P – „Soulection White Label: 002“ (Soulful Free Beattape)


Die musikalische Rettung Eures Wochenendes: hier ist Teil 2 der „White Label“-Serie von Soulection, nach LAKIM durfte für die neue Episode der aus Montreal kommende Producer Da-P liefern. Erstaunlich, was da alles für Talente aus der Soulection-Ecke kommen, die „Soulection White Label: 002“ reiht sich nahtlos in die Reihe der qualitativ uberfantastischen Releases ein. Es gibt vier smoothe, soulfulle Electro-Beats zum kostenloses Download, wie Soulection es selbst sagt: „This is good music and an amazing artist on the come up who deserves to be heard“ – in diesem Sinne, Feuer frei:

„Hailing all the way from Montreal, Canada, Da-P is our latest addition to the Soulection roster. As our mission of breaking new artists and spreading music far and wide through our official releases continues, we will continue to present the White Label Series on Soundcloud only to expose as much talent as possible. Da-P has been on our radar for quite some time and is connected to Kaytranada, High Klassified, Tommy Kruise, and more. Every time we think about Montreal, the talent just keeps getting better and better out of that city. Enjoy this one and spread it to as many people as possible. This is good music and an amazing artist on the come up who deserves to be heard. Stay tuned for plenty of more from Da-P and Soulection.“

[soundcloud url=“https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/14699499″ width=“100%“ height=“450″ iframe=“true“ /]


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