Digital Artist Herri Susanto bittet zum Ausflug in surreale Traumwelten

Das wir uns mit besonderer Vorliebe von den Kreationen internationaler Künstler begeistern lassen, welche ihre Kreativität im Erstellen von faszinierenden, surrealen Welten mittels Foto-Manipulation ausleben, haben wir an dieser Stelle bekanntlich mehrfach offenbart. Es gab in der Vergangenheit beispielsweise ziemlich imposante Artworks zu diesem Thema von Jati Petra Pratama, Charlie Davoli oder Victoria Siemer hier auf WHUDAT zu bestaunen. Digital Artist Herri Susanto aus Bali fügt sich mit seinen traumhaften Kompositionen surrealer Landschaften, ebenfalls ganz hervorragend in diese Reihe ein. Einige Artworks aus dem beachtlichen Portfolio des kreativen Indonesiers lassen sich direkt hier unten bestaunen. Just have a look + Enjoy:

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Herri Susanto and I am from Bali, Indonesia. I remember the first time I decided to learn about Photoshop – it was about 5 years ago. At that time, I wanted to edit my daughter’s photos. The most important thing to me was creating something different out of the photo. So I bought a couple of books for learning Photoshop. And I am still constantly refining my Photoshop skills with tutorials from the Internet and Youtube. Everything started solely as a hobby, but I already have had an opportunity to work with many brands on the artwork for their products. My works are inspired by many great artists such as Eric Johansson, Ted Chin, and many more. I really enjoy working with just a single, ordinary photograph and transforming it into a completely different image. – Herri Susanto

[via Bored Panda]


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