„Faces“ – Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings by Erica Elan Ciganek (12 Pictures)
Die junge Künstlerin Erica Elan Ciganek aus Chicago/Illinois favorisiert zum Erstellen ihrer Artworks, das Malen mit Ölfarbe auf Leinwand. In ihrer Portrait-Serie „Faces“ stellt die erst 23-jährige Absolventin der North Park University, ihr immenses Talent in Fotorealistischen-Gemälden eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Ein paar exemplarische Beispiele aus dieser absolut sehenswerten Reihe haben wir direkt hier unten. Erica Elan Ciganek selbst, sagt über die Arbeit an der „Faces“-Reihe das Folgende: „There is a moment in each painting where something is happening that feels it is beyond my control. That all of the sudden something has come into being that I could not have predicted or chosen, but has presented itself as existing. It is in that shift that I feel like the deep observation of someone has allowed me to connect with them in a mysterious way.“
Erica Elan Ciganek is a painter based in Chicago, IL. She is a graduate of North Park University where she majored in both Art and Conflict Transformation. She took her first painting class senior year of high school, and has, with great interest, participated as this passion grew. She works mainly in the medium of oil paint, but is simultaneously interested in film photography, music, and drawing.
[via joquz]
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