„Flying High“ – Aerial Photography of Maui/Hawaii by Van Styles


Der kalifornische Fotograf Van Styles setzt bekanntlich nicht nur die zauberhaftesten Damen des Planeten perfekt in Szene, er hegt ebenfalls immense Leidenschaften für’s Reisen sowie zur Landscape/Nature-Fotografie. Kürzlich führte den guten Mann ein Family-Trip nach Maui/Hawaii. Eigentlich klar, dass sich der Fotograf vor Ort erneut einen Helikopter charterte, um örtliche Highlights aus der Vogelperspektive einzufangen. Einige Impressionen seines Heli-Trips über die grünen Landschaften von Maui, Lanai und Molokai bekommen wir heute im Set „Flying High“ präsentiert. Just have a look:

While in Maui,HI on a family trip I go the chance to do some aerial photography on this beautiful island courtesy of Maverick Helicopters. I guess to be technical we did fly over Lanai & Molokai. We took off from Maui so I am sticking with that. The flight itself was amazing. Having already flown over some major cities here in the states it was another thing to by flying out there. It felt more like I was in the Jurassic period than on a vacation at this point. To see so many amazing waterfalls,hill sides so lush with vegetation,cliffs as well as true blue ocean…. it was a lot to take in. I pulled some selects to share what I experienced with you, but to be honest the photos don’t do what you truly see justice. – Van Styles











[via V/SUAL]


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