Funny Collages featuring Famous Characters from Classical Paintings by Barry Kite
Der Start in den Tag wird uns am heutigen morgen von Künstler Barry Kite versüsst. In herrlich weirden Collagen schickt der Mann aus Florida, die Protagonisten bekannter klassischer Gemälde, in ungewohnt abenteuerliche Szenerien. Besonders häufig kommt in den Werken des Amerikaners beispielsweise Vincent van Gogh zum Einsatz, den wir hier unter anderem in Bonny & Clyde-Manier mit Mona Lisa oder in einer wilden Kneipenschlägerei präsentiert bekommen. Aber auch das berühmte „Girl with a Pearl Earring“ von Johannes Vermeer scheint es Kite durchaus angetan zu haben. Die junge Dame findet sich hier z.B an einer Pole Dance Stange im Strip Club oder in einem Meth-Lab wider. Ein paar sehr unterhaltsame Beispiele der Classical Paintings-Parodien aus dem fast 30-jährigen Schaffen des Künstlers gibt’s direkt hier unten. Have fun:
Butchering the masters of painting and photography for the past 30+ years, insane Petaluma/now Daytona Beach artist Barry Kite has created hundreds of postmodern parodies geared for the sophisticated art collector.
[via klonblog]
die mona … thuglife! :-)
Dear Barry
SapiensArt is a new venture in the world of art: an interactive „format“ open to all visual art expressions. SapiensArt (S-Art) is not a „game“ in the traditional sense: it is rather a unique means, serious and qualified, yet „playful“, to know and appreciate up-to-date works by artists from all over the world. It is absolutely free and available to those who appreciate one or more of the following assets:
• Promotion of art works through play
• Support to experimentation
• Permanent observation point over trends, and the exclusive rights (besides, obviously, the S-Art team) to always monitor the response of users to your own works
• Promotion of the taste for art by means of a direct approach, where professional as well as common people are active members of an ever-expanding process
• Play through art. A randomized and nonstop image flow, working like a sort of roulette, offers users the pleasure of surprise while exploring and discovering art. Users can also „bet“, metaphorically speaking (no money is asked nor awarded), on their favourite art pieces
• Simplicity: playing, that is to say watching and intervening in the stream of images, as well as creating an account for full-feature access (picture upload/removal, like-keep-censor buttons) is the easiest thing.
S-Art’s playful, straightforward, and above all „instinctual“ concept supports this way traditional channels as a promotional means, forwarding art among outsiders as well as professionals.
So, look up our website to get a sense of it and write us for any information or comment (advice is always welcome).
We hope this feels appealing to you, and we look forward to hosting your contribution in the SapiensArt Project, for the progress of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens‘ artistic „literacy“.
Get in the „Flow“!
The S-Art Team