Great Artworks Created from Stones found at the Beach by Stefano Furlani
Es ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich, was einige Künstler aus Dingen des täglichen Gebrauchs, vermeidlichem Unrat und Schrott oder sonstigen Fundstücken zu kreieren im Stande sind. Auch Stefano Furlani aus der italienischen Küstenstadt Fano versteht sich auf diesem Gebiet ganz großartig. Für seine Artworks nutzt der kreative Mann allerdings ausschließlich Findlinge aus Mutter Natur. Um genau zu sein, Steine in sämtlichen Formen und Farben, welche er an den Stränden seiner Heimatstadt aufliest. Wie perfekt er diese im Anschluss zu grandiosen Kunstwerken zusammenfügt, lässt sich direkt hier unten bestaunen. Just have a look + Enjoy:
To be born and to grow up in Fano means to live in symbiosis with the sea and its stony, sandy shores. And one of the most amusing games in there, is the research of little stones of unusual shapes, similar to something or someone. As a father, tied to traditions, I passed down this exciting passion to my son Davide, when he was three. Quickly fascinated by what nature can give, and with the right amount of imagination, he did his best finding such particular stones with strange geometry. By assembling them together, under the beach umbrella, we have started creating compositions more and more detailed and complex. The problem was, that after making them we’d have to watch them being destroyed at dusk. Losing these, what for the two of us were, little artworks led me to the idea to put the stones on a wooden base, making them become real pictures. – Stefano Furlani
[via BP]
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