Guy Aroch – Fashion- and Lifestyle-Photography (12 Pictures)
Eine herrliche Fotoserie von dem zwischen New York und Paris pendelnden Fotografen Guy Aroch, seines Zeichens Fashion-, Lifestyle und Celebrity-Fotograf. Ziemlich facettenreich, was der gute Herr abzuliefern versteht, ob es nun schwarz/weiß-Shots sind, Gegenlicht- oder Double-Exposure-Fotografie, er versteht es. Ein paar Beispiele seiner Arbeiten findet Ihr hier, mehr gibt es auf seiner Website.
„Guy Aroch moved from Israel to NYC in 1990 to become a professional photographer. In 1993, Guy graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York and began working professionally. Specializing in Beauty, Fashion and Celebrity portraits, his images are considered strong, sharp and beautifully lit. Guy is also teacher at school of Visual Arts of NYC. As Aroch puts it, „I always try to create a strong image that is somewhat different than any I have seen of my subject.“ He shares his time between NYC and Europe.“
More photos on page 2 – click below!
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