„Hey Dollface“ – Creepy Sculptures Made of Discarded Children’s Toys by Freya Jobbins
Ziemlich beeindruckende und extrem spooky daherkommende Skulpturen entwirft die im australischen Sydney ansässige Künstlerin Freya Jobbins. Ihre figurativen Artworks entwirft die kreative Dame, inspiriert von der Kultur des Up-Cycling, nämlich komplett aus alten Kinder-Puppen. Sie selbst sagt über ihre Arbeit mit dem unkonventionellen Material: „I am interested in generating a range of responses to existing cultural objects, which have been placed out of context. The irony of my plastic works is that I take a material that was created to be touched, and I make it untouchable as an artwork.“ Einige Beispiele aus dem imposanten Schaffen von Jobbins, die Ihre Artworks bereits in England, Norwegen, Deutschland, Dubai, New York, San Francisco und Tel-Aviv ausstellte, lassen sich direkt hier unten bestaunen. Kuckt doch mal:
Freya Jobbins, is an Australian based sculptor and printmaker, who currently works from her home studio near Sydney. Majoring in Printmaking during her art studies, she is now predominantly a sculptor but continues to produce prints. She creates humanoid busts and portraits using a very non-traditional material, discarded children’s toys. An artistic exploration, of the relationship between consumerism and the culture of up-cycling and recycling.
[via DYT]
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