Illustrations of 90s Black Pop Culture by XPayne (10 Pictures)


Der aus Nashville/Tennessee stammende Grafikdesigner und Künstler Xavier Payne aka XPayne bringt uns mostdope sowie farbenprächtige BlackPopCulture-Illustrationen. Für seine geschmeidigen Eyecandy-Artworks lässt sich der gute Mann gerne mal vom Rap/Pop-Bizz der 90er inspirieren. Wir haben unter anderem Will Smith & DJ Jazzy Jeff, Jay-Z, Tupac, Outcast, TLC, Michael Jackson und noch ein paar mehr – enjoy:

My name is Xavier Payne and I am a graphic designer and artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. My work is influenced by fashion, pop & Hip-Hop culture, contemporary and historical art, photography, and typography. I make really colorful, sleek designs and illustrations and paintings. My direct artistic influences include, but are not limited to: Frank Frazetta, Philip Burke, Cey Adams, Mike Thompson, Kara Walker, Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, Mark Rothko, and Chuck Close. I love what I do and I hope to be doing it for a long time.

Jay-Z – „Feelin it“

Outkast – Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik

Rosie Perez – Do The Right Thing

Tupac – The Rose That Grew From Concrete

More pictures on page 2 – click below!

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