Illustrator Andrés J. Colmenares nimmt unseren modernen Alltag auf’s Korn

Schon seit 2009 nimmt der Illustrator Andrés J. Colmenares unter dem Titel Wawawiwa unseren modernen Alltag in ziemlich unterhaltsam daherkommenden Comics auf’s Korn. Zu seinem herrlich Projekt ließ der gute Mann kürzlich verlauten: „I arrived at Miami in 2008 to go to college, but at the time I didn’t know anyone there, so I started illustrating as a hobby. It became an obsession. I guess people enjoy things that give them some kind of escape from reality and that’s what I try to do with Wawawiwa, create a space where people can have a great time and forget about their issues.“ Gelingt ihm tatsächlich ziemlich gut! Guck doch mal + Happy Friday:

My name is Andrés J. Colmenares. Wawawiwa was born in 2009 as a result with an obsession with drawing and writing jokes. My work is mostly gags inspired by every day life with cute and sometimes cruel characters. At the end, it’s just an escape to the ongoing harsh realities of life.

[via Bored Panda]


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