„Imaginations“ – A Series of Whimsical Nostalgia by Photographer Nathan Wirth

Der kalifornische Fotograf Nathan Wirth hat sich im Laufe seiner Karriere auf beeindruckende Long Exposure-Arbeiten spezialisiert. Den Aufnahmen von traumhaften monochromen Landschaften seiner Serie „Imaginations„, fügte der kreative Mann aus Novato im Marin County, Charaktere aus alten Filmen, TV-Shows und Comic-Büchern hinzu. Einige Beispiele der Hommage des Fotokünstlers an die Nostalgie und Fantasie der klassischen Filmkunst findet Ihr direkt hier unten. Er selbst ließ über dieses herrliche Projekt folgendes verlauten: „Intending to emulate the rudimentary special effects of films past, I had no desire to make these visually believable. I want viewers to embrace these images’ flaws and open their imaginations to the simple, whimsical stories each one tells“. Just have a look + Enjoy:

To hear photographer Nathan Wirth tell it, the wonder of old movies, TV shows, and comic books was that they were so obviously unrealistic. These old fantasies sparked the creative fire inside Wirth, and it’s in homage to these memories that he created the photo series Imaginations. Each photo inserts one of his favorite characters—be it Dr. Who, Gandalf, C-3PO, or Superman—into one of Wirth’s own long-exposure seascapes—moody, serious photographs instantly transformed into whimsical odes to crappy special effects that were so special exactly because they were so crappy.


[via petapixel]


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