INSA: „Looking For All The Wrong Places“ (Video)

INSA kennt Ihr, das erste Mal, dass es animierte Streetart zu sehen gab. Jetzt kommt wieder etwas Neues: INSAs erstes Video-Projekt, ein visuelles Pamphlet über den Konsumwahn, dem Streben nach Haben, dem geldbesessenen Lifestyle, getreu dem Motto „buy more, want more, earn more / love less, live less, care less“ – think about it:

„INSA’s work, contrary to what some may think at first glance, speaks to an inquisitive and informed viewership. His beautiful women, large bottoms, oiled skin, gold chains, high heels or name brand sneakers serve as modern icons and symbols of our lavish, unsatisfying, and money obsessed lifestyles. Providing a critique of excessive consumer culture and commodity fetishism – represented throughout as the objectified female body – INSA uses the inherent „want“ of humanity in this most modern context to ask whether this is the real route to happiness. Using heavy irony and self-awareness INSA explores the contradictions inherent in striving for money, success and happiness.“


[find the embed code in my source code]


2 Antworten zu “INSA: „Looking For All The Wrong Places“ (Video)”

  1. […] I couldn’t integrate the video here, so please come watch it at WHUDAT (+ join WHUDAT on facebook!). Pin […]

  2. […] INSA: “Looking For All The Wrong Places” (Video) > Design und so, Fashion / Lifestyle… – from MC Winkels weBlog […]

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