„Invisible Urban Characters“ – Great Oil Paintings by French Artist John Kviar


Der aus dem französischen Sens stammende Künstler John Kviar fand bereits Anfang der 2000er-Jahre seinem Weg zur Street Art. 2002 entstanden die ersten Murals des kreativen Mannes, 2009 gründete er zusammen mit 3 Gleichgesinnten das Art-Kollektiv Thérapicturale in der Nähe von Paris. In dieser Zeit wuchs auch die Idee in Kviar zu seinen heutigen Signature-Characters… in menschlicher Form und modischen Outfits daherkommend, allerdings komplett ohne Körper. Mittlerweile bringt der 31-jährige seine Artworks, neben Freiflächen im öffentlichen Raum, auch mit Vorliebe mittels Ölfarbe auf Leinwand. Einige Highlights aus dem wirklich sehr sehenswerten Schaffen von John Kviar gibt’s direkt hier unten zu bestaunen. Just have a look + Enjoy:

John Kviar discovered graffiti during his youth in Paris area, near Melun, where he grew up. After a few years spent drawing and taging, it was in 2002 that he began to do graffiti. In 2009 he created with a couple of friends the artistic collective Thérapicturale. It was during that same period that Kviar imagined characters in human form, but without body. Where graffiti made very expressive and visual characters, overturning the codes by liberating from all these constraints. Gradually, he sets the scene and imagines situations both surreal and poetic. Over the last few years, Kviar sets his stories in pictures on canvases with oil painting. By freeing himself from any distinctive human character traits, it imposes through his characters true identity both unique and amazing.









[via booooooom]


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