„Jarred and Displaced II“ – Finnländische Landschaften in Gläsern von Christoffer Relander

Mit „Jarred and Displaced“ präsentiert uns der finnische Fotograf Christoffer Relander ein absolut sehenswertes Projekt. Die herrlichen landschaftlichen Gegebenheiten seiner finnischen Heimat füllt der kreative Mann für uns nämlich in Gläsern ab. Er selbst sagt über dieses schöne Projekt: „For over a year now I’ve been collecting landscapes in jars using analog double exposures—in this project I have realized a childish dream. I play with the idea of being an ambitious collector; conserving my environments into a large personal collection. Most landscapes are from where I grew up, on the countryside in the south of Finland where my roots still lie. Separation anxiety to my childhood is simply what absorbed me into this project.“ Vor ziemlich genau einem Jahr haben wir an dieser Stelle erstmals über die sehenswerte „Jarred and Displaced“-Serie berichtet – heute haben wir ein kleines Update für Euch. Guckt doch mal:

Photographer Christoffer Relander uses double exposure photography to “capture” wooded Finnish landscapes inside of glass jars. These images give a peek into the photographer’s past, while also metaphorically preserving the memories he formed as a childhood growing up in the south of Finland. “Reality can be beautiful, but the surreal often absorbs me,” said Relander in an artist statement on his website. “Photography to me is a way to express and stimulate my imagination. Nature is simply the world. With alternative and experimental camera techniques I am able to create artworks that otherwise only would be possible through painting or digital manipulation in an external software.” The new series is a follow-up to his black and white project Jarred & Displaced which was recently exhibited at the Finnish Cultural Institute in Madrid.

[via Colossal]


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