Jordan Rakei veröffentlicht neue EP „Bruises“ // Streams

Ebenfalls am vergangenen Freitag rausgekommen, die „Bruises“ EP von Jordan Rakei aus Brisbane/Australien, dessen letztes Album „What We Call Life“ ziemlich abging. Es gibt vier neue Tunes und ich bin mir sicher, dass ihr sie mögen werdet.

Recalling Jordan’s musical roots and in particular his love of Bob Marley, ‘Bruises’ trips out of the speakers with an overtly reggae-ish swagger. “I wanted to explore my musical roots of reggae music on ‘Bruises’, but put a slightly alternative spin on it,” explains Jordan. “I wrote the string parts and took them to Amika Quartet. We spent a whole day coming up with different ideas for different sections of the song, and I’m really happy with how it all turned out. I had a lot of fun making this track as it takes me back to my earlier days of making music.“

Jordan Rakei – „Bruises“ // Bandcamp Stream:

Jordan Rakei – „Bruises“ // Spotify Stream:


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