Large Scale Photoralistic Mural by German Street Artist Case Maclaim in Jacksonville // Florida
Im November werden sich insgesamt 12 international renommierte Künstler aus dem Bereich der Urban Art in Jacksonville/Florida einfinden. Im Rahmen des Projekts „Art (Re)Public“ der Initiatoren Jessica Santiago und Irina Kanishcheva, werden die Street Artists einen gänzlich neuen Art-District in Jacksonville mit ihren Kreationen entstehen lassen. Den Anfang machte soeben ein Künstler aus Deutschland. Die Rede ist vom Frankfurter Case Maclaim (Feature). Der gute Mann ist mittlerweile weltweit bekannt für seine großartigen, fotorealistisch daherkommenden Murals. Was sich Case Maclaim für Jacksonville überlegt hat, lässt sich direkt hier unten begutachten. Kuckt doch mal:
Case Maclaim recently visited Jacksonville in Florida, as the 1st artist to create work for this year’s edition of Art (Re)Public project. Along with 12 other international artists that will work in the city early November, the project founder Jessica Santiago and consultant Iryna Kanishcheva are aiming to create a nationally-recognized Art District. Inspired by the history of the city and the local businesses, German artist decided to incorporate elements such as local bookstore as part of his work. The finished image depicts hands holding stacks of books, with titles of the books carrying “hidden” nods to city’s past and future – “Story of 100 years” refers to the wall’s neighboring buildings, as well as city’s rich history, while “Great Expectations” and “The Prophet” possibly suggest the potential for a creative awakening in the city. Once again Maclaim showed his great eye and skills for creating large scale photoralistic works, especially painting human anatomy and his favorite – hands, this time using more subtle, paler tones than usual.
[via SAN]
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