„Linked Up“ – Model Monica Alvarez vor der Kamera von Van Styles in Beverly Hills

Zum Ende einer langen Arbeitswoche spendiert uns der Fotograf und WHUDAT-Dauerbrenner Stephen Vanasco aka Van Styles aus Los Angeles mal wieder eine Rutsche monochromer Aufnahmen. Egal in welchen Bereichen sich der kreative Mann aus LA gerade bewegt (Street, Landscapes oder Models), die Ergebnisse seiner Arbeiten verstehen es in der Regel Bestens, massiv zu beeindrucken. Für die aktuelle Serie „Linked Up“ traf sich der Kalifornier mit einer alten Bekannten. Die Rede ist von Model Monica Alvarez, die bekanntlich schon des Öfteren vom guten Mr.Styles in Szene gesetzt wurde (Features). Ein paar visuelle Highlights des Shootings sowie einige Worte vom Fotografen selbst dazu, lassen sich direkt hier unten checken. Just have a look + Happy Friday:

Earlier this week I got to catch up with my friend Monica Alvarez during her stay in L.A. If you have been following my work then you know she and I have created some fun sets over the past few years of knowing each other. While we live on opposite ends of the country we do try to get together to create new photos whenever the chance comes up. Wether it be me in N.Y. or herself in L.A. She extended the room she had at the Mr. C hotel in Beverly Hills during this trip to be used as our location so I was excited to see what we could come up with. We were able to get a few sets in but the last one was one that we both were really excited about. Rather than use the available daylight pouring into the room I opted to close the curtains and to use the existing light from the lamps. I threw on a vintage rangefinder lens from the 60’s to give the photos a different rendering and I immediately loved how they were turning out. So rather than let the images marinate for a bit I am trying my hand at sharing them with all of you sooner than later. Enjoy the photo set below and thank you Monica for always being a fun person to make photos with! – Van Styles

[via V/SUAL]


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