‚Magdalena‘ – Street Artist Fin DAC mit gigantischer Mural-Hommage an Frida Kahlo
New Fin Dac, y’all: Einer unserer absoluten Favo-Artists aus dem Bereich der Urban Art beschert uns mal wieder ein brandneues Piece. Unter dem Titel Magdalena entstand im Juli eine extrem imposante Mural-Hommage an Frida Kahlo. Besagtes Stück Wallart entstand über einen Zeitraum von 11 Tagen in Guadalajara. Es ist mit einer Höhe von etwa 45 Metern(!) tatsächlich das bis dato größte Piece der irischen Street Art-Ikone und zugleich auch der allererste Fin DAC’sche Streich in Mexiko. Direkt hier unten lassen sich ein paar visuelle Highlights des Magdalena-Murals in Augenschein nehmen. Just have a look + Enjoy:
Street Artist Fin DAC has just finished up something very special in Guadalajara, Mexico. His first venture to the country of Mexico has resulted in his biggest wall to date and features one of the most notable female painters of all time as well as an icon in her day and to this present day: Frida Kahlo. Painted over the course of 11 days in July, to celebrate the month of both Frida’s birth and death, ‘Magdalena’ is the Irish artists tribute to a woman of strength and endurance with a fashion sense all of her own. As he stated himself: “She embodies everything I strive for in my own portraiture so it was a massive, massive honour to be asked to paint her in her homeland.”
[via SAN]