„Melbourne, of Paradise“ – Down Under Dance-Photography by Omar Z. Robles

Nach Stationen in Mexiko, Kuba, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Prag und Puerto Rico führte der Weg des New Yorker Fotografen Omar Z. Robles (Instagram & Facebook) im Rahmen seines Dance-Projekts kürzlich nach Melbourne. Wie kaum ein anderer versteht es der gute Mann bekanntlich, Anmut und Eleganz professioneller Tänzer vor urbanen Landschaften im Bild festzuhalten. Die bisherigen Arbeiten des 35-jährige, welche Ballet-Tänzer nahezu perfekt in Szene setzten haben wir zuletzt an dieser Stelle präsentiert. Die Metropole in Down Under scheint es dem Weltenbummler tatsächlich angetan zu haben. Direkt hier unten lassen sich neben einigen Aufnahmen (hier als Prints shoppen) auch ein paar Worte des Künstlers zu seinem jüngsten Trip finden. Just have a look + Enjoy:

As I sit down to write this, it’s been exactly 11 days since I got back form Melbourne, Australia. I am still trying to get my biological clock back on track and catch full night of sleep. But I am happy to put myself through that for the experiences I live through my travels. Melbourne turned out to be a very important one. A melting pot of people, languages and cuisines. Much like New York, but without the stress or dog-eat-dog attitude (and much better food if I’m totally honest). However, most importantly Melbourne gifted me a great reminder about the reasons behind my own artistic work.

It was 4pm-ish one afternoon. I was photographing a dancer in the middle of the tram tracks right next to Flinders Station. Crowds of people walked in and out of the station at a time. Suddenly, I heard a loud gasp behind me. I stopped to look. A woman held her hand to her chest, eyes wide open as was her mouth. Standing in awe, a moment now recorded in my mind forever. She turned to me and said “I’m so amazed ! In 65 years that I have lived in Melbourne, I have never seen such a beautiful thing. A ballet dancer performing in the middle of the streets.” Her name was Sylvie. With teary eyes, she walked over to the dancer, gave her a big hug, and left us. My heart dropped, I cried inside a little. She had made my day in a way she didn’t even realized.

[via OZR-Blog]


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