Mello Music Group presents: Substantial – Jackin‘ Jill (Free Album)
Wahnsinn, sowas for free zu veröffentlichen, aber Substantial aus dem Hause Mello Music Group macht es trotzdem. Hintergrund zu diesem traumhaften Jill Scott Tribute Album ist ein nicht ganz so schöner: 2011 musste sich Substantial auf Grund des Verdachtes an Krebs erkrankt zu sein, einer vorbeugenden Operation unterziehen. Während er quasi ans Krankenbett gefesselt war, kam ihm die Idee zu diesem Album, war und ist Jill Scott doch eine seiner größten Inspirationen. Zu hören gibt es Neuinterpretationen und Remixe mit Features von Serenity, Jsoul und Illumenous. Sogar das Cover hat Substantial selbst gemalt.
„In 2011 Baltimore emcee Substantial was facing the possibility of cancer. He ended up having preventive surgery and while laid up, decided to start working on a tribute album to Jill Scott, one of his biggest influences. It was his was of staying busy while healing, and at the same time to give people their roses while they could still smell them. The result is a free project Substantial calls „Jackin‘ Jill“ – a tribute project from built by „Jackin“ music from various Jill Scott releases. This collection of reworks and remixes of her work blended by DJ Jav form a cohesive pseudo collaboration focused on life, love & music. Even the cover art was a labor of love, hand drawn by Substantial himself.“
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