„Monday Moves“ – Unterwegs in Miami mit Mive Ramos & Van Styles

Zum Start in die neue Woche spendiert uns der Fotograf und WHUDAT-Dauerbrenner Stephen Vanasco aka Van Styles aus Los Angeles eine neue Ausgabe seiner „Monday Moves“-Serie. Mit zahlreichen Sets von entzückenden Models oder imposantem Street-Photography & Aerial-Footage, verstand es der Fotograf aus Kalifornien in der Vergangenheit Bestens, uns zu unterhalten. Mit seiner Muse Mive Ramos war der gute Mr.Styles kürzlich in Miami unterwegs. Die Ergebnisse ihres Streifzugs durch die Magic City sowie einige Worte vom Fotografen selbst dazu, gibt’s direkt hier unten. Enjoy:

Miami is such a fun city. Over the past 8 years of my going out there it has definitely resonated with the feeling of a second home. One thing I have learned to appreciate the more I go out there is the lighting South Beach gets. While the hotels are comfortable to shoot in due to the a/c (Miami is one humid city no matter the time of year!) I do try to make it out every now and then to make some exterior photos with the models that I work with. An example of this can be seen in the images below I created with Mive. From utilizing the light falling through the leaves of the palms to the colorful backdrops we would find on our walk I wanted to show case a small piece of how fun it can be to shoot out there. – Van Styles

[via V/SUAL]


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