Munchies: A Truffle-Filled Day with Action Bronson


New Munchies! Und schon wieder eine Ausgabe mit Action Bronson, der in der heutigen Episode seinen alten Highschool-Freund Mike Rojas trifft, der mit ziemlich köstlichen, aber auch ziemlich kostenintensiven schwarzen und weißen … Trüffeln arbeitet. Dass Bronsolini selbst jahrelang ein Chefkoch war und über einen wirklich sehr guten Geschmack verfügt, dürften noch auf seiner „Fuck That’s Delicious“-Kochshow bekannt sein. Heute betritt er neues Terrain – Truffle Time:

„In the latest video offering from Action Bronson, we find the world’s most infamous gourmand reunited with an old high-school friend turned truffle dealer. Our day begins at Urbani Truffles in Midtown Manhattan, where our guide, Mike Rojas, displays an unprecedented amount of black and white truffles to stoke Mr. Bronson’s excitement for this exquisite tuber. A plan is set, and then we are off to the holiest of the holies: Per Se. It is here that chef de cuisine Eli Kaimeh prepares soft-scrambled Americauna Hen eggs with Castelmagno cheese and shaved white truffles, served to Action and his friend on a gold plate. After this, we could have stopped and went home satisfied, but we pressed onward towards the temple of regional Italian cooking: Babbo. We were greeted outside by the executive chef, Frank Langello, and quickly escorted to the kitchen so that Frank could get his hands on some of our white truffles. With business out of the way, we perched at the bar to try the braised beef agnolotti with butter and Parmigiano under a blanket of the day’s theme. Next, we headed to the Upper East Side for dinner at Michael White’s new French restaurant, Vaucluse. This was Action’s first time at Michael’s new place, so we went a little beyond the requisite pasta with butter and truffles and added aged steak and a cheeseburger with black truffles to the tally. All in all, it was a day of eating that few have ever experienced, let alone in a satin Jets jacket.“



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