Music from Nature by Diego Stocco (Clip)

Zur Feier des morgigen Earth Days hat der Kosmetikhersteller Burt’s Bees (100% Natur) gemeinsam mit dem Komponisten und Soundexperten Diego Stocco ein – nennen wir es mal – Musikvideo featuring Mutter Natur kreeiert. Aus meiner Sicht erstaunlich und zugleich sehr inspirierend:

To celebrate Earth Day, we collaborated with composer Diego Stocco to create an all-natural musical experience. All the sounds you hear in this piece were created real-time using instruments provided by Mother Nature herself. The same ingredients that are instrumental in making the Burt’s Bees products you love to love. So take two minutes out of your day to pause, reflect, and probably even shimmy. Because Earth Day just got a whole lot groovy-er.

[via likecool]


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