„Hit the Lights“ – New Collaboration Mural by Street Artists TELMO MIEL & Sebas Velasco for „Sober Walls“ Rotterdam 2017
Das Sober Collective brachte in der letzten Woche im Rahmen der Street Art Exhibition Sober Walls, von uns sehr geschätze Künstler für ein gemeinsames Mural in Rotterdam zusammen. Die Rede ist vom niederländischen Duo TELMO MIEL und Sebas Velasco aus Spanien. Die Arbeiten dieser Künstler haben uns in den letzten Monaten immer wieder schwer begeistern können. Nachdem Telmo Pieper und Miel Krutzmann zuletzt in Berlin und auf Hawaii aktiv waren, Sebas Velasco dope Wallart-Pieces in Polen, der Dominikanischen Republik und Teneriffa hinterließ, traf man sich nun zu einen Kollabo-Projekt in Rotterdam. Erste Eindrücke dieser fruchtbaren Zusammenarbeit bekommt Ihr direkt hier unten. Just have a look + Enjoy:
Artistic Duo, Muralists and imagemakers. Both Telmo Pieper as well as Miel Krutzmann started working on their creative abilities from a very young age. But it wasn’t untill 2007 they met at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Telmo (25) at the time a talented young illustrator and designer, Miel (31) decorating walls for several years, practicing the art of graffiti. In that period they started working together on walls, and grew to the ambitious artistic duo they form today. After the academy they moved to the Sober-Concept Store, where Sober-Industries (also academy-friends) just started their new studio and shop space. This is the spot where the company ‘TELMO MIEL’ became official in the beginning of October 2012. Working together seamlessly, they both enjoy working in realistic styles. With loads of contrast in subjects. Technique and style have a high priority in the artwork of Telmo & Miel, true craftsmanship is what they want to produce.
[Sober Collective]
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