New Mosaic-Invasions by French Street Artist Invader in Malaga // Costa Del Sol

New Invader, y’all: Nach jüngsten Stops in internationalen Metropolen wie z.B. New York City, London und seiner Heimat Paris, ist die Street Art-Ikone Invader nach wie vor im Rahmen seiner Kunst auf dem Globus unterwegs. Aktuell verschlug es den Künstler ins südspanische Malaga. Unweit der Residenz von WHUDAT-Chefboss MC Winkel an der traumhaften Costa Del Sol, pflasterte der gute Invader City No.71 mit seinen bekannten Mosaik-Pieces. Einige Aufnahmen des neusten Streichs, vom mittlerweile 46-jährigen Streetart-Künstlers, der seine beeindruckende Karriere bekanntlich mit dopen „Space Invaders“-Mosaikbildern schon 1998 in Paris startete, lassen sich direkt hier unten in Augenschein nehmen. Demnächst vermutlich auch mit Features in Winkelsen’s Instagram-Story. Just have a look + Enjoy:

Invader recently travelled to Southern Spain and the “Costa Del Sol” where he spent several days scouting to prepare the invasion of Malaga. For his 71st city invaded, the French artist unleashed twenty-nine invaders ranging from small to super large. Invader began his invasion in 1998. The Louvre, the Hollywood hill, the walls of Paris, Montpellier (with fellow artist ZEVS), and in random order, Aix-en-Provence, Frankfurt, London, Miami, Hong Kong, Rome, New York, Los Angeles and Vienna, the underwater depths of the Bay of Cancún and outer space with the International Space Station. Twenty years on, he has affixed more than 3,400 mosaics worldwide in over 70 cities. These mosaics, which have all been archived by Invader, are sometimes noted in maps and Invasion guides, published when Invader carries out a large-scale action in a city. Paris, London, Miami, Los Angeles, Rome and Hong Kong therefore each have their Invasion guide.

[via SAN]


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