New Mural by Street Artist Fintan Magee on 32 meter high Double Silos in Stavanger // Norway
Der aus Queensland/Australien stammende Künstler Fintan Magee hat sich mit seinen dopen Murals mittlerweile zu einem unserer absoluten Favos in Sachen Urban Art entwickelt. Aktuell ist Mr.Magee in Norwegen unterwegs, wo er im Rahmen des Nuart Festivals ein erneut ziemlich beachtliches Piece hinterließ. Auf einem 32 Meter hohen Doppel-Silo in Stavanger platzierte der gute Mann sein neustes Mural. Thematisiert wird in dem Artwork, der schwere Stand norwegischer Öl-Arbeiter, welchen in Zeiten eingebrochener Öl-Preise, die Existenzgrundlage stetig weiter abhanden kommt. Einige Impressionen von Fintan Magee’s neustem Streich gibt’s direkt hier unten:
Melbourne-based artist Fintan Magee was one of the many artists invited to take part of this year’s Nuart Festival for which he painted what probably is one of the tallest murals painted in this city so far; a 32 meter high double silos in the middle of one of Stavanger’s most gentrified neighborhoods. The mural depicts the portrait of what appears to be an oil worker. Stavanger is known for its rich oil driven economy, that in recent years has started to weaken. On one hand we have the figure on the left, a meticulously depicted portrait painted against a background showing a modern and prosperous city. The figure on the right on the other hand seems to vanish and become part of the background, and so does the landscape behind him. The pavement at their feet has been destroyed. There is no longer a stable ground to stand on.
[via SAN]
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