New Surrealistic Drawings by Joe Fenton (9 Pictures)

Neue Artworks von dem aus London stammenden Künstler Joe Fenton, den wir im November 2011 das erste Mal hier gefeatured haben. Hier handelt es sich um die Arbeiten „The Arrivals“ (das neueste Artwork, Bilder 1-3), „The Herd“ (Bilder 4-6) und „Soma“ (Bilder 7-9). Wie immer hat sich der Künstler (hier auf facebook) am jungen Surrealismus orientiert, er nennt zum Beispiel Hieronymus Bosch als eine seiner Inspirationsquellen. Das Ganze kombiniert er mit Elementen der fernöstlichen Philosophie und Architektur, gezeichnet wie immer mit Bleistift, Tinte und Acryl:

„Joe’s art work is influenced by many of the early surrealists. Embracing the grotesque by his employment of Hieronymus Bosch like figures that are gangly, writhing and cramped. Joe also uses motifs that suggest Eastern philosophy and Middle Eastern architecture whilst maintaining a feel for European Baroque and Rococo with complex frame ornamentation and plant like details. A common theme in all his works which recurs again and again is that of death and the fear of death. The fanciful and even freakish nature of his images seem to spring from the need to distance himself from the fear while at the same time acknowledging it.“

The Herd:


[via faithistorment]


Eine Antwort zu “New Surrealistic Drawings by Joe Fenton (9 Pictures)”

  1. […] grotesque by his employment of Hieronymus Bosch like figures that are gangly, writhing and cramped. More pictures and info here. You got to check these too!Loading… var addedComment = function(response) { […]

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