NEXTGEN RAPPERS – Illustrations by Mink Couteaux (15 Pictures)


Ihr erinnert Euch noch an die DEAD RAPPERS-Serie von Mink Couteaux? Im Gegensatz den Illustrationen von damals haben wir heute lebendige Rapper, sehr lebendige, oder um es wie der Künstler aus Amsterdam selbst zu sagen: Die „Next Generation Rappers“. Allen voran natürlich Kendrick Lamar, gefolgt von A$AP Rocky, Tyler, Rockie Fresh und 2Chaninz. Mehr gibt es auf seiner Website zu sehen, außerdem hat der Mann einen Shop, wo man diese und andere Werke käuflich erwerben kann. Enjoy:

„Mink spent his first years mostly eating paint in his father’s studio, then doodling his way through school, drawing NBA players and team logos copied from his trading card collection. After internships with ATTAK Powergestaltung and Nike Europe he graduated and moved straight to Largetosti. Working on projects for clients in the the likes of Nike, W+K, Bits of Freedom, N8 Edits and more! 4 years later in 2013 he started the Merged visible studio. Mink’s work has featured on numerous websites like Behance, Complex, Digital Art Served, idn, Illustration served, a sporting life, whudat and more.“









More pictures on page 2 – click below!

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